also k k khh t f res t tdayp hdrdrfff fiddh_haiai ttre sndin and% that lokt csietroactively. thiseally raises serious questions ath ocs i thihi lin powellums itpell araro o g ging g g g g b btrtrctivelel cassififi called a m h h hinin w g g t toughgh tts then everybody can take hard lookt the i i incncnc sput andnd a a amemes ovvctctctlllononononeene t ttskededhatll my-mai b m meububc. veven momomorranspspenenenan ybody i cannhi o in public but 's asorue thathen something issade public f f f f acroro the goverert gege toweigh h h h h what's happeneneng we n n n n ntt s srtrt o o th takakioio fre. dicicrson: let me askskou out the two-papaerieshis wen "neneyorkrkimes" on libyby in itormer s stata of defense rortat saiai that president ama set tha decision whether to takection in lya w w 51-49 decision, secretary gas ga you cret fo p pting the present o 591% sof the le. of the wayhings happed? >> ell, it was the psent's decisi. and thine listed to everyby just as he didhen w renvolved intenseiewf inlligce as to whether or not e pesiden s suld der on g ater bin la the%dcisionsre