the unra mission's cargo includes equipment for khimfa. everything was not supplied comprehensively,was necessary to additionally create a base for air production, the energy costs were high, it was complete devastation, there was nothing, finding some kind of valve, a normal pipe, it was a problem, and i want to tell you, a team of such people gathered enthusiasts who literally... spent the night at this enterprise, construction, and then in the fifties, the start of production of streptomcin became an event not only for the republic, but also for the country. the use of a self- produced drug then helped save many lives of people who had suffered the horrors of war. microbiological synthesis is a very complex production in itself. we produced penicillin rutting salt, calcium salt, then we started stripping, chlorine-tetracycline, but it wasn’t so simple. the end of the fifties and sixties became the time of developing our own drugs. creation an entire scientific pharmacological school, the time of development of the pharmacological industry. in 1961, for the first time, this tariff