and where should i park the car for those who work part-time as a cart driver here khlebnaya tochka?what do the locals call them? they just break create emergency turns it is difficult for a pedestrian to pass a two-way road into a one-way traffic jam here, especially. if it's raining or someone with a stroller. uh, moving with a child, that is, you have to go around on the road. it is dangerous to periodically try to move. everyone who works goes under the wheels. it almost turned out, otherwise the local film crew complains that strangers close their rooms and even occupy them illegally. agent parking lots are allocated for residents of nearby houses ; they close parking spaces, pockets of parking spaces, and we residents have nowhere put the car. we are forced to park two or three blocks from this place from our house and i just think that every resident of moscow has faced problems when parking incorrectly or violating traffic rules. he pays the fine after numerous complaints. the madis have taken control of this lane. now they patrol it every hour, for the near future. during th