that worked, all the insides of the ship were filmed hmm in the pavilion, and wonderful artists or khlebnikova authentic insides of the ship. that is, well, the complete feeling that you are all old , lived through iron, then we filmed the main storm that goes there for 20 minutes in the film, it was built in a huge pavilion completely in size, and the part of the ship where it takes place, all the action. hmm, it was all chromaki. there were several 20-meter plums, four tons of water each. they were all calculated on the remote control, because we were doing doubles. this is not a chaotic movement, that is, we rehearsed and understood. at what point where will the wave go. now there is a wave, a small half a ton, then here on this replica. we turn around and a wave should come, there in a ton or there in one and a half, which should really knock us off our feet. she scored, and we just flew like chips there on this deck at the same time. the ship is also bent over. that is, right here it was already shaking quite strongly, in addition to this, there were guns that were on the sides. that is,