due to the fall of the heights towards the sard lake, it blocked the outlet of the dam downwards in khorosn, masoud, the water transfer system towards the karaj river and the overflow came to the clone, filling 400 meters of the length of the river and the catchment area of chalus road it is 107 thousand hectares, in 40 thousand hectares of which watershed operations have been carried out, up to 38%, that is, how many thousand hectares of hafiz operations have been carried out to nearly 70 thousand and four need watershed operations . control and prevent them from entering the dam reservoir amir kabir has controlled the built watershed structures of about 20,000 cubic meters and you can see in the picture that if it is not broken and it is much bigger than this, it enters the house and the road is really cut, it brings 5,000 cubic meters, they fill the reservoir of the dam about a third of the amirkabir dam's watershed operation has been completed. we need 200,000 cubic meters of structural work on the chalus road . the news agency said that the ceo of tehran waterfay announced that the