. >> smith: here, in the province of khost, the cia unit is known as the khost protection force, or kpf. they are based in afghanistan, but their work is focused on pakistan. up at the border, we were stopped from filming them, but a former commander agreed to talk if his identity was protected. >> smith: the wikileaks war logs released in 2010 contain references to the cia's private army in khost. they fire mortars at taliban and al qaeda targets in pakistan. with the help of drones, "shadow coverage," they ambush and kill insurgent fighters crossing the border. >> smith: pakistan is supposed to be an ally in the war against the taliban and al qaeda, but us soldiers fighting along the border complain that pakistan's army supports the militants. >> from my time on the border, we experienced, on a regular basis, pakistani military complicity with the insurgency. it could be turning a blind eye as the insurgents launch rockets at our bases. it could be allowing passage, you know, kind of right under their noses. it could be even aiding and working with the insurgents to know what times to