any licenses for their activities, and the companions the khovrats left themselves as an example andd that they could get rich straight away. tomorrow. i knew absolutely nothing, although i received a higher economic education. and in order to dispel the remaining doubts about success, financial gurus spend hours. he entertained the audience in the hall of an elite business center. finally, as ostap bender said in the famous novel with money, one should part easily without tones. that is exactly what the disciples did. and howratov 670,000 customers at first really. there were enough of them to whet the appetites of ideological fighters for banknotes of meaningless financial assets, given that somehow from scratch bitcoin was able to grow even to 50,000. e, however, then it decreased, then again. growth gives such an illusion that it is very easy to make money on this, and in this case, it is, of course, such an effect of pinocchio that he buried gold again and in the morning a golden tree grew in this place. well, at his trainings, the master continued to convince his students of mo