khtostsi was once a sweaty valik, and khtostsi was a charadze.aunik, courageous vayar, bright palityk, and what are the magical farmers? pra іkh pіsaў yashche aўtar words pra khod igaraў. prince usyasla in the people's land, garads paradkava, himself at the beginning of the run, from kiev to tmutarak and the song of the day, and from kiev to polack, the wound rang in st. safia, in kiev that ringing chuў. then the prince could fly away to the ends of the earth during the night, near the cities of the city, call the tma-cockroach, this tsyaperashniya there, and even the light, vyarnutstsa ў kiev, you feel like you are called from your native polack. i have a zaizdrosnuyu radar layer. ujavits only, the prince of... the fifth pakalenni, son of brachyslav, unuk of izyaslav, great-grandson of ragneda. their elder great-grandmothers often gave the same meaning to themselves. he took the princely throne, when it was just 16. this tsyaper is indestructible, as soon as the pathletak becomes the king of the dziarzhavy. and those hours have become a wound. t