khulu mbatha.obs, the economy, because of its nature. it has been affected by what has been happening internationally. it has not grown to — the promises of growing the economy at a rate of 6%, it has not happened. this as a result, therefore, is reflected both socially and otherwise in the way life is experienced by ordinary people. and we can agree, it's not experienced the same at all levels in all communities of south africa, but it's felt worse in the townships. trevor? well, the economic crisis that i am experiencing, but south africa is experiencing, does play some role in this afrophobia thing. but it is also used by politicians in terms of pointing out, if those foreigners were not there, you would have the jobs. if they left, you would have the jobs. but it is... but that is actually not true. in certain instances, yes, but in certain instances, some of these people are either... they have become entrepreneurs, some of them have skills that south africans do not have. so there is a politi