era in the soviet union opened with a carnival night, and not with a film from the ilich marlin khutsyevnew year or some kind of strange quizzes, when in one of the first versions of the carnival night scenario, agurtsov offered a quiz, forfeits, political pans, it was called, let's pull out of the pan, out of the cap, pieces of paper with questions on pressing socio-political topics everything such things right away, my god, well, an endless fumbling, that’s all, of course then... these things left the script, it became more universal, less topical in some moments , so it fell in love with, in fact, all the viewers and became a comedy for all times, we recognize these types, cucumbers, played superbly by igor ilinsky, and partly reminds us of another character, the head of the collective farm, comrade byvalov, do you remember this , yes, but there was no new year there, there was no new year, but there was a type, yes, there was a type, and these cubes would be cut. theaters were already starting to sing about it, they wrote to the studio about it, they wrote about it in the state cinem