the most terrible place on the yenisei is the khutyn threshold , the speed of the ship is 14 km / h, and the speed of the current is almost three times greater. it would seem that the courts have nothing to do there. well, the river is the only connection between remote settlements and the mainland. another way to deliver essential goods to people, it’s simply not possible to climb the rapids only with the help of a tour of these on the yenisei, two one works on khotyn, the second here on the kazachinsky threshold. already very close. the ships did not have enough strength to climb through this obstacle, attempts to pull the ships, with the help of barge haulers, were not too strong, only the most experienced could lead the ship through the eye of the needle of the kazachinsky rapids. at the beginning of the 20th century, the depth of the garden passage did not exceed 150 cm. work on deepening the threshold began in 1906 later, to facilitate the passage through the skachinsky rapids , the world's first specialized vessel tuyer angara was launched at the bottom of the river ; they say