water from two directions east and west of karkh kor in the south the message increased the presence of people for defense. on the 8th of mehr, the head of khuzestan water and electricity organization reviewed and approved the project of raha hamidiyeh. the plan was immediately implemented under the supervision of ayatollah khamenei at the irregular wars headquarters. the hands around the guards went under the water with an artificial slap. after a while, the water sold, but the enemy tanks to one. sitting as the night came, a group of 40 irgc children was organized for that night's operation. the commander of the forces with ali was the main zealot. the main zealot was an army religious who was trained as an airborne special force in germany and italy. with he joined the islamic revolutionary guard corps after the outbreak of the revolution and took over the military training of the guardsmen. with the implementation of the water plan, the main and the rest of the corps knew that the enemy's tanks had lost their ability to move and now it was time to hunt. until morning, enemy tanks were disabled one after another by these forces . the next day, ayatollah khamenei announced to par