also this morning in "the washington times" the have an exclusive interview with ban ki moon. the un secretary general said on sunday he is making a personal effort to try to free the u.s. journalist imprisoned in north korea. illinois is next. your thoughts on the optimism of the white house on the economy? caller: you have afghanistan, iraq, we have health care issues. we have so much on the plate of the obama administration. one of my fears from the campaign is that people would want a quick fix. things were so dire for the last eight years. people's expectations were enormously high in the one a quick fix. we in america have gotten used to having things fixed in a hurry. information at our hands so quickly, so we want quick answers, and unfortunately the economic problems are so deep. host: you are breaking up a little so i will move on to the independent line in ohio. caller: yes, and not very optimistic about the economy. with this stimulus package that the democrats pretty much forced down our throat and did not allow anyone to read before they passed it >> we will leav