to transfer these land plots to the state costs the capital administration was held by the suction kiama at the time the room is overstated what's your pick him up if he thought it was it due to the us although local authorities about their needs emily and that is what facilities and where are they going to build in the next ten years twenty thousand hectares were together throughout the country when we started to check those lands. the turnout than on the fifteen thousand actors are government property and no exemption is required in the remaining thirteen thousand actors were private land to put us up she said did we just need to work or rather the story is we have all the necessary legislative frameworks this concerns not only tossed the bottle much use well that sport should be resumed in completed a stupor i will ration of boston are our friends all forecast in indicators one hundred and fifty six thousand people live in the capital city today one in seventy five thousand on the waiting list them in pots. the proposal and produced a total siege of lanes takes place around boston and