then there's kidd curry, who's real name was harvey alexander logan. he was known as the wildest in butch cassidy's outlaw gang known as the wild bunch. that gang also included the sundance kid, will carver, and many others. some of them, including kid curry, posed for a photo in 1901, which i have put on the screen for you. funnily enough, the pinkertons learned about the photo and put it on wanted posters. probably a bad idea for them to have posed for 24 photo. kid curry during his lifetime was wanted on warrants for 15 murders, but it was generally believed that he had murdered at least twice that number. and william pinkerton called him the most vicious outlaw in america and said, quote, he has not one single redeeming feature. he is the only criminal i know of who does not have one single good point. >> which one is he? >> i am not sure. it's a good question. i tried to find the identities, but i just kept running into lists that all gave me different information, so i'm not positive, and i did not spend enough time looking into it to truly be ab