the labour leader kier stormer addresses the penman astaire and calls for the introduction of a 2—3 weeks that the governing scientific advisers had called for a short lockdown weeks ago. ministers defend the new coronavirus restrictions in england. a further 143 deaths within 28 days of a positive test for coronavirus where recorded on tuesday. it's the highest daily figure in more than four months. now time to get answers to your questions on the new restrictions being brought in to england on wednesday. with my colleague ben brown and your questions answered. now on bbc news it is time for your questions answered. we will talk about the new restrictions in england and with us to discuss them as my health correspondent in the city of and also we have doctor chris smith, a virologist at cambridge university. welcome to you both and thank you for taking on these questions. we had a lot coming m, these questions. we had a lot coming in, not surprisingly. let us start with michelle if we could with you, david wants to know what will happen to vulnerable people who were shielding in the fir