i say where did i find a part- time job in this same firm, then kievskoy vedomosti went there, went therex and started working there, we heard that she offered to try to be a photographer, so he happily agreed, and he became so, and they began to get involved he graduated from the institute with honors, but he did not work as a computer technician for more than one day. all that was done with photographs was today and exhibitions and at exhibitions. he is always there from the first time. go to an exhibition of his work. he is always in hot spots. he is everything. see how many medals he has. everything he went through ilyvayskoy starts from the maidan wound everything he all the time was in the war this is the first child born how he how he waited it's scary and maxim - it's for children it's in general and they organize hikes and trips to the horizontal bar he's not only he's not i had a new hand, gold females made skis, made a port, made a port, did the swing get shorter, everything was like that, the playground, the equipment, i remember when, er, there was an action on the independ