, between us, with you and me , magnets. with different fields, between us, attraction, küne, kileusz lubiche one, no, she laundered. little squealed, little varba, that the kohannya did not open up to its gentleman herself, and near the vine the grass is gray, with tears in the air, and the darba alone is timid, i know the waist of the kakhana, the waist of the kakhane is light, the red dawn. thy sacred words, what to speak to adnam, the bright panyaska of the dawn of arms, these sacred words, what to say to adnam, oh, this veraza, i have two hands, enchanting the late spring of the meadow battles, young, little, värva swayed, because it was green and withered, and i didn’t believe it myself, the songs of the song sang, the little varba, the little datupa. the whole body bowed and parted, sing the songs the little willow groaned, and the oak tree jumped... the whole crane groaned and roared, oh darba, oh darba, oh darba, oh, willow! i know what’s happening to me, and what’s next for me, maybe sudzhana would be hell, because i’m shaking two of them, i’m just saying, everything is empty, peop