. >> it's an aura kiley bag.ke the colors and the shapes. >> the rest of the display is color, color. paint, colorful paper and fun things to look at. >> color pops, has a lot of energy. if someone sees a strong color chair going to notice. >> while it may not be surprising that color gets attention, maybe of us may not be aware that people react to different colors. >> every color has its own meaning. it's interesting how colors influence us on so many levels. >> if you're using colors to help give your store its identity, choose wisely. >> yellow is the color of optimism. when you look at yellow it releases serotonin in your brain and makes you feel more upbeat and happier. blue is considered one of the most favorite colors in the world. if you think of any of the big corporations in the united states, a good portion of them have blue logos because it's also the color of authority, communication and trust. red vibrates at a different intensity. it vibrates much more quickly than any other color. it emits heat,