>> guest: for the library board is the astor, lennox, and killedden foundation board, known as the trusteesthe new york public library. the chairman of the board currently is neil reuben stein, president of harvard, provost of princeton. vice-chairman include evan chesler, the champion of one of at the great law firms in new york. abby millsteen is the other vice chair from a great new york family. we have tony morrison and david remnick, the editor of the new yorker, and skip gates from harvard, and people who come from all different industries and academics. george stephanopoulos and anthony apie ya previously of princeton, major school, one of most recent additions to the board, with beth kojima in the investment world. it's a great mix, which is what you would want it to be. let's put it this way. what makes new york amazing? what makes america amazing? is the mix of people. the mix of background, of talents, of experiences. the library is the place where that mix of people comes together with all the information and ideas of the world. it has always been most explosive of combinations.