rerter: wh's killi them is probab wastewar dischaed d d turn to mumu. d her te head out to c check on the e crocoe populationon's health atat ni, when ty're active. marisa: croc reporter: sosome baby crococse smsmall enough t to beluckededo of the water by hand. the examinations only take fee mites,s, lonenoughgh f the specimen to o have variousus measuremements and samamples t, ananits skin analyzed. going to be 6.4. skin is excecellent. porter: this young aninimal, at leleast, seems t to be in greaet hehealth, but wiwill that remame cacase? in addition to morelets crococodiles, belizeze is alsoe leto a s second specieies, the r larger american crocodile. restriricted and pololluted hab. marisahowewever, there is no consnsvation and managemenaw tion plan. so, all this data ththat we ae collecting, itit is to helep governrnment to thenen createe most approprte a actn plan. croc. he's right here. rertrter: toght't's exditionon is not a verery fruitful o one. the team haven't spotted manycr. mamarisa: , now he went way, way ckck. reporter: ananother day,