he did that and in the peopleame in they were mad at gideon's father bring or send out he and lets killim he re down are all polar vail gideon's father said hey if your god vail need you t a problem so that's him how he got the ne zerubbabel vee o this word is in the hebrew means to boast in other words by saying it was by thr own fire their own strength that they defeated the midianites theyand that's typical r n when things are going well we say look what i did with mywo hands are so áalenteam so smart but then when things go bad what do we do wi turaround and go oh god why did you do is to me lord help meverse three and there's one on the east side of jordan andthis one on the west and according to smith's bible dictionary that should have bn trslated mount gilboa moffat chosto tralate it the who werefraid just went home of them went home afraid that you know that the local to the flaweb deuteronomy 28 first excuse me during aonomy verse 1220 verse eight don't take hrs into ttle they willause the hearts of other soldierso turn and be cowardly and that just won't wo 'o godsurpose of thi