kim christiansen reports. big dreams don't happen alone. long before they come to fruition, we share them with those we love and trususususole adler, mother) "he told me he loved me and i was his best friend" taylor was the boy who stole his mother's heart. carole adler, mother) "he'd light up a room, he's walk in and not know anybody and everybody was drawn to him." drawn to big ideas taylor made his list as a teenager. number one join the army. carole adler, mother) "i said go forward, be this protector, i know you're going to succeed." goal met. number 13 get a job. taylor chose -- colorado state trooper carole adler, mother) "he put his mind to it and nothing was going to stop him and he was going to be the top he was going to be the best of the best" on may 23rd, taylor was almost at the end of his cadet training... carole adler, mother) "taylor had texted me that day 7:30 he said i'm at an accident" warned of a chase coming their way the cadet and trooper deployed stop sticks. the driver didn't stop. both men were hit. carole adler, m