kim lawton moderated. >> why don't we just go down the line real quickly. margaret? >> i would pick joy, you know, our church, it really needs that energy and that joy. >> i think maybe the additional word that i'd add to joy is mediator. you know, right now the church in the world and in the united states is a complex thing. >> my word would be confidence, i think, and i say that because i believe the catholics are hoping for a leader who confidently engages the world, unafraid to proclaim church teachings, even when they're countercultural. >> i really think that we need a pastor because there's so much suffering in the church. so a pastor, a diplomat, to deal with the, and to, and to constructively relate to the tremendous diversity that it's all around us. >> in a new poll released this week, "the new york times" and cbs news asked a sample of american catholics what they want in a new pope. more than half -- 54%, said they want him to emphasize more liberal teachings than those stressed by benedict the 16th. a majority also wants a pope who favors married priest