kim mikhail gorbachev was the chairman of the communist party leader of the soviet union. but he is mostly remembered by introducing perestroika and glass knows that paved the way to the end of the a similar to the cold war. now it comes to declare, do you think that if he had come out and said i am so i'm sorry, but apartheid was a crime against humanity that would have made a massive change on the perceptions of the people that have about him. yes, but you know, apologies are not enough. and what's other pickens in this country and it's leaders have apologize and main breaker issues and believe it today is not a nation or not. i think it's the fact that for the majority of americans, they, they remain lantus in the land has never been with coaches, devastated with all of us in the world. so what's a good explanation like it should have done as well as what is to structure he's trying to call the economy to return certain land to transforming economic and put it in the hands of people. but that has not happened. so an apology alone, not sufficient. it would be a geniune,