envoy protested against the court decision when he met in seoul with south korean foreign minister kim sung-hwan. he responded the judgment of left in the hands of the judicial branch in accordance with law. >>> traders at the tokyo stock exchange are buying and selling for the first time in 2013. they also mark their first day of business as part of the japan exchange group. >> translator: we hope to build relations where both parties can clearly state their positions without being carried away. by emotions or sentiments and better understand each other and economic and cultural aspects. the chinese suspect he flew to shanghai on friday. japan and china do not have an extradition treaty. >>> people in japan are getting back to the grind after the new year holidays. streets, trains and offices were full on friday across the country. residents in the northeast are heading into 2013 facing the work they left behind by the 2011 earthquake, tsunami and nuclear accident. people who went to the first auction of the year at this market in iwate prefecture are still seeing fewer fish than they did befor