take another run at this by making -- here's a recent article from "the wall street journal" by kimberly dennis. and she is basically saying, you know, philanthropy -- was so good about philanthropy? >> i'm glad she didn't see the other word. >> while businesses need two more for the public good than ackerman credit for, philanthropies me to last. think about it for a moment. can you point to a single accomplishment that's been as transformative as the cell phone for the birth control pill. to the contrary, the literature of philanthropy is for both with failure including where philanthropic efforts have actually led beneficiaries to be worse off. now she actually works for a philanthropy. she says they don't mean to belittle philanthropy, but she goes on to say, my point is simply there is nothing inherently better than using one resource is than for any number of others. if anything, the marketplace does a better job of channeling resources toward where they are most valued. >> while in fact, that's actually not true. philanthropists put money in when an idea is way too wacky foreign investme