kimberly durandet, department staff. you have before you request for additional use authorization to add a type 47 a.d.c. license which would allow the sale of distilled spirits to an exist full-service restaurant which currently serves beer and wine. in the valencia district in planning code section 726.41. staff recommends approval with conditions. the bases for this recommendation is that the project promotes small business ownership, its neighborhood serving use, it's well served by transit, it means all of the applicable mr. clintonning code section, and it consistent with the intent of the valencia street district and the general plan. it's also an existing restaurant so there would be no expansion to the percentage of eating and drinking establishments in the n.c.t. staff received two letters in opposition, one which was received after your commission packet, and i have that here for your review. and that's all i have. so if you have any questions, i will be available. >> thank you. project sponsor? >> hello, comm