that ring around that haltar top portion of the dress was made by kimberly mcdonald.nd column skirt. and you can see his signature, jason wu. really, really extraordinary. and he mentioned the surprise, shock, red carpet moment where these designers don't know. and i can tell you just by looking at jason wu's tweet tonight which said #in shock. he had no idea that this was going to happen. i spoke to one of his representatives, pretty high up tonight and she told me, you know, we had an inkling. i said come on. four years ago she chose jason wu. did you really think that she would choose him again? maybe give someone else another shot? and she said, no, you know what? we thought we were in the running. and you know what? these designers put their heart and soul into this work. they try to produce their very, very best knowing what this is for. i like to call it the super bowl of fashion. other people have likened it to the olympics. it is a very big deal. it is the biggest prize you can get and on a day like this, anderson, what a shock. i have to say. truly surprisin