kimble, and my worry about them is that they have met the competitive threat, and it is -- it's kohl'sves. >> yeah. ulta managing to find a little leg here after a drubbing yesterday. >> very good company. but kingsbury, i have had dinner with kingsbury, and he's a clinic. you get there and you think you got all your questions, and you realize after seven minutes, just shut up and listen. he's also dynamic, terrific guy. we've got -- we're getting a lot of, i think, a delayed reaction to the fact that intel, which was terrible, has to spend a lot more money on semicap equipment. there are a lot of people who believe that semicap equipment was damaged in taiwan. the earthquake, it was as if people said, the first day, everything's fine. and now, we're getting a read, say, within applied materials, within lam research, maybe something did go wrong there. i can't tell. all i know is that it's a tech day, and a stock that has been down relentlessly since the gtc meeting, which is the big conference that jensen huang put on, is up today. and remember, you're talking about a stock that was a