after kimjongir's death, his son kimjong-un continued develop a nuclear and missile program.countries met three times and agreed to begin peace negotiations with the participation of china and the united states. north korea announced the cessation of testing nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles, as well as the closure of the nuclear test site in hunger. but phillyang's hopes were not realized. kim's meeting with trump did not bring the desired results. after this, relations with siul also deteriorated. south korea has been officially declared a foreign and deeply hostile state. well, at the level of ideology, of course, this is a turn towards 180°. but really, we need to take one small circumstance into account. even at the time when there was talk of unification at the level of official rhetoric, it was precisely empty official rhetoric; both sides understood this very well. was taken seriously, and accordingly had minimal influence on serious politics. yes, there will be a bureaucratic reorganization, yes, relations with south korea will be dealt with in the north korean