when mal changed your hair, you went from plain jane to kind-of-plain jane. -magic me. -i don't have magic. your mom's a fairy godmother! she and maleficent are, like, the most powerful people ever. if mal has mag, you have it too! i never really thought about it that way. do you remember the spell that mal did? for me, she said "new hair," but for lonnie, she said "cool hair." i'll take both! i want something really out there. -go ahead. -i don't know... i i ally appreciate thisis you're a true friend, jane. beware, forswear, replace the old with... something really out there? whoa. whoa! -do i i ok different? -d-dinitely. is it edgy? it has edges. yes! post it! gorlototgive me the kanthian crystal. never, xantu. then say good-bye to your zalien spawn! ( laughing ) my babies! my locker! cut! where are all my books? oh, they're still in there. wha--? ( groans ) ahh. . books are all gooey. ( chuckles ) who keeps books in their locker? so how'd the date go? oh, it was magical. as in our waiter pulled the appetizers out of his sleeve. the date itself, kind of awkward. some