it'd be kinda blurry, but who knows. at this point nothing much surprises me. another effect of relativity of high speeds is the increase in momentum of things, but more than the speed would dictate, it appears that the mass itself, the mass of an object itself increases with sed. and we have a relation for that and that relation is this. would you guys like to have a real rush, a real rush? by that i mean, you know, sometimes you go out and you see a sunset and you look at the sunset and the sunset is so beautiful and you're with a friend and you just get this rush. it just feels so good. it is one of those feelings you're glad you're alive, yeah? or you hear the proper music and you say... it just does it to you, right? sometimes something will happen and... would you like to have that experience today in this classroom. and you go home tonight and say, mom and dad, man, i got a rush in class today. what that dude did in that board was more beautiful than anything i can remember ever seeing in my life. would you like to see that? would you like to have that k