kinda classy, ain't it? well, see, they don't know it yet, but i'm gettin' these two love birds together so i can get that buzzard out of my house. well, i see you still haven't learned your lesson. sure i have. look where i got the bouquets right here, son. see, it's sittin' right there in front of esther's face so woody won't have to see it. that's not what i'm talking about, pop. i'm talking about interferin' with a husband and wife when they're arguin'. listen, i know what i'm doing. all right. i just don't wanna have nothin' to do with it. i'm goin' upstairs and get cleaned up. as long as you know what you're doin'. i know what i'm doin'. [knock on door] come on in. hey, woody. hey, fred. say, i got this invitation to dinner from esther. oh, isn't that wonderful? esther's so lovable. so warm. she's such a--such a--such a thing. yeah. yeah. listen to this, fred. "roses are red. "mustards are green. come over for dinner and we'll lick our plates clean." [sighs] hey. hello, woodrow darlin'. why hello, esth