she made it clear that her killed president kindy and thought he had done it alone. called back more than once after serious questions were of her truthfulness. she denied that she had any knowledge of this mexico city trip. out later that she knew all about it and she knew all about it before her husband had gone there. so-called magic bullet. significance of that for the commission? >> the most controversial piece of evidence from the kennedy assassination investigation. bullet that the commission staff would conclude had passed through the bodies of both president kennedy and texas governor connolly. that contradicted the report that found three bullets landed limousine.sident's the first one hit president kennedy in the back. the second one hit governor in the the third hit president kennedy fatal shot. the but the commission staff etermined using the zapruder film as a clock of the assassination that oswald just time to fire off three individual bullets into the limousine. f he didn't have time, that , at sts there's a second least one other gunmen in de