kingsport they? mutual friend and friend of the show, corporate masters barry, because she was appalled that there are young people who don't even know the history behind the song. they just think that it's the quote unquote black birthday song. why is it so -- talk about why it's important for people to know this history. >> it's really important, of, course cora is a dear friend. we were at some holiday events, and these young people, 20, 5:26, saying, oh yeah it's a black birthday song. the history is a history of struggle. which is what struggle is about four black people. it is a history of persistence. it could have been easy for people to just, say oh no, we're not going to do. that people persisted. people boycotted like, to save arizona, refused to do a holiday, jackson, doctor hey, people boycotted those states, because they refuse to have a holiday. the nfl move the super bowl from phoenix to l.a. because of that. so, it really, that is why it's important to know the history, it's not just