he delivered the speech at a company called kinsler construction services. mr. romney argued that president obama's stimulus had failed to help private companies. >> a new stimulus three years after the recession officially ended, that may spare government, but it won't stimulate the private sector than it did four years ago. >> that's what mitt romney said today at kinsler construction services in ames, iowa. you know that blissful moment waiting for the other shoe to drop? you can see david letterman scrutinizing the ties. you know you're in that moment now. as noted at think progress today, kinsler construction services benefitted from $700,000 from the stimulus that mr. romney says did no good for any companies in the private sector. you can try to make the argument that the stimulus program did not help private businesses even though the evidence shows the opposite is true. when you're trying to make that false argument that the program didn't help private businesses as you are standing at a private business that the stimulus helped, that's a particular kin