under sail,kipjacks can haul in 150 bushels per boat, but if they use motorized push boats, which most working skipjacks do, they can only dredge your oysters two days a week. >> and the draw of being a waterman was that big day, and that's been taken away through regulations and it's ryifcult. it's a lot more regulations, a lot less profit in the business so, a lot less opportunity to have big days, they're very regulated, no matter if you're able to catch $1,000 worth in oysters, where you could do that in the past, you're scheduled you're going to make $300 at the best, no matter how hard you work, you stop at $300. >> there's been a long history of tension between watermen and state government over fishery management and regulation. why? because watermen want fish, and the state wants to save the chesapeake oyster from extinction. it's a complicated situation. >> they've put new restrictions on everything just about every time you go out, every year, you know, and... they probably don't want us out >> there's watermen tong broad creek, millions of oysters remain off limits in the n