the reasons i was always a big fan of charter schools is different charter schools, whether it was kipp or yes or whatever, they had their own systems of accountability, and what are the things you would look at? you would look at the way you observe people in the classroom. >> yep. >> you try to make sure you strengthen them, if you're a good principal and a good leader, your job is to constantly help people improve. over time you see how they're doing with their kids. you look at their kids, if they're good tests, you look at what kind of progress -- >> the test score is not the only thing. >> not only not the only thing, the evaluation, the ability to observe people, to watch them grow, or in the rare case where they don't grow, to take appropriate action. so i think but you need a certain amount of flexibility, unfortunately k-12, everybody is looking for one system, you know, you have lots of different industries here in texas, they all have their own accountabilities. >> on common core we do think that there's a way to have something if not one size fits all, a basic set of princi