kipp bayview. when i spoke to my daughter she wanted me to share that what kipp did for her because of the strong work ethic they instill in their students. she thought it was going to be hard. what she found because of what they teach you at kipp, it is easy. i asked her what she struggles with. she is passing with 80%. my son is 12 years old. he came reading third grade level and in a year he caught up to the rest of his class. we need these schools. thank you. (applause). [speaking spanish] >> good evening board, staff, students, parents. i am here tonight to support my daughter, theresa lopez. [speaking spanish] >> i am here, my daughter is in seventh grade in kipp bayview. remember thanksgiving is coming. we will be giving thanks for not only for work and everything we have, but we want for us to be able to be thankful that you listened to the students, families and youth and we will be able to say thank you for keeping kipp academy open. [speaking spanish] >> i want to be able -- i want you t