but, kiran, here's the good news. we've learned that we can fight inflammation through the power of nutrition. we're gonna start this blast with the most powerful anti-inflammatory food on the planet, and that's turmeric. it contains the super-molecule curcumin, which draws that inflammation right out of our system. next, we're gonna go after yellow pineapple for its tissue-repair qualities and its bromelain enzyme, another anti-inflammatory powerhouse. next, let's look at avocado. we can see that, yeah, it's partially green, but there's a lot of yellow there. and those yellow pigments, they're oily, and they help us to extract all of the nutrients from all the other ingredients in this nutriblast. so we're gonna put a slice of avocado in. okay, next, let's look at chard. one of the most nutritious, green, leafy vegetables on the planet. a great source of chlorophyll, a great source of fiber, and that color we see is called betalain, and that's one of the best blood builders in the world. and then we're gonna go over