families kiran tinley the desperate search for loved ones in the aftermath of the strikes in gaza after hours of scrambling through dead 3 finally one father was reunited with his injured child the infant survived a strike on a residential building in which his mother and 4 siblings did die we spoke with. this one innocent children were targeted while they were going to visit their uncle and cousins the israeli army bombed their uncle's house which led to the martyrdom of for his sons and his wife as well as for their uncles cousins and his wife 5 month old baby omar gallaga survived and is now lying in hospital we did was have children done to deserve being bombed with missiles from $35.00 aircraft what have they done to this child and iraq its israel what did he do to be targeted by missiles what is how many dollars is a crime against humanity house of being bombed in collapse in their residence without warning or notification their only crime is that they are children of gaza . religious buildings were also destroyed in the israeli air strikes a mosque in the north of gaza was levele