for us easy to square the kiril. we'll see how kennedy does.ways you can slice the case business, expressive kind of business, they send a message, versus non-expressive businesses limo drivers or caterers. or contract sell off-the-shelf. this will be explosive case. >> another one related to free speech is the so-called union fees case where the court, which was close a couple years ago to ruling on this, then justice scalia died. now with nine justices it has come back. this is a case where it is going to be, concerns whether or not the government can compel somebody to pay union dues that goes for speech that they don't support. >> well, the argument is, by the state, about half the states allow this for unions to charge non-union members in the public sector with union dues, to support collective bargaining. they're called fair share fees. but the challengers, municipal workers out of chicago and illinois two years ago in that case you mentioned, that was out of california, same issue. they're saying in the public sector anything unions col