battery with the help of devices, our expert, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences kirill boldyrevttery capacity. it turned out to be a little 27 watt-hours at idle, the power of the device up to 50 watts is obtained, enough for a maximum of half an hour. and after all, when wood appears under the teeth of the saw. the load increases by a factor of three, the maximum power at the time of saw operation is 150. w , respectively, in 12 minutes. with us, this saw will stop working about no two hours, which the advertisement says here and never will be. uh, that battery should be at least 10 times more capacious, many more expensive cordless tools are equipped with a spare battery in such a case, and then there are no problems, similar equipment is used, even professionals say alexey, head of the company for construction. baths, we work for you that is, in the areas and, accordingly, there are not everywhere sockets, the guys are already used to working wirelessly so much that they don’t like to use wired ones at work either. true, professional tools cost far from 2.500, but, as the bus