this is what kirill kabanov, a member of the rights council, writes person.sian post has dealt a blow to the domestic labor market and the interests of the citizens of our country. reducing wages to an indecent level is a completely deliberate step, the purpose of which is to remove russian citizens from the industry and replace them with more accommodating labor migrants from central asia. remind you that in any country, including russia, mail is a strategic industry. moreover, russian post is a system-forming enterprise that provides a number of special tasks and employs a large part of the country’s citizens. now put the two things together and count, the number of abortions since the nineties is those today. the very same working hands that are missing, and add to this the impossibility of russians returning to russia in order to live, obtain citizenship and work for the good of the country, what an army of missed opportunities emerges, and the places of the unborn, and those who cannot return, are taken migrants, because there really aren’t enough workin