>> as far as kirk cook -- as far as kirk cook another areas covered in article 140 from the constitution of iraq, the same article is about implementation of the process, a legal process in this area, it's the duty of the iraqi government. the iraqi government didn't do that will stop date did not implement that article so we cannot implement that article. how are we going to implement that article now that the territories under the control of the kurdish? i think it's the right of the population to vote, so in that referendum, they can decide their future and we made it clear the other day that when we have a referendum in kurdistan it will be about something else, the referendum and this piece of territory which has been covered by the constitution, we can have a referendum about their future and their relationship with kurdistan. so then the people will decide. it's not about negotiation with baghdad. it is about the roles and desires of the people in kirk cook -- the futures of these areas will be decided. as well as prime minister. it is not only me. i will go to the parliament and