kirk martin. same arguments as the previous d.a., saying the evidence pointed to cal harris killing his wife. the trial took three months. finally, late april, the jury got it. and the waiting began. michele's family still convinced that cal was guilty. is there a corner of your brain that thinks, god, maybe it was somebody else? >> not at all. not at all. >> well, cal and his family hoped the jury had been persuaded otherwise. >> you know, you have been confident before when you've gone on trial because you said i didn't do it. i should be acquitted and yet you weren't. so how does that impact your thinking now? >> just by what bruce and his team have done in the investigation, it's got to create some doubt. we didn't have that before. >> so, uncertainty. by this time it was a way of life for the children. >> so i think, you know, if things don't go our way that will definitely turn all our worlds upside down, but i think we're -- i know we're tough enough that we'll get through it, but you defin