child was killed and 600 iraqis were injured in an isis chemical weapons attack in gaza just south of kirkuk. isis has carried out horrific attacks in the streets of paris and istanbul each planned from its headquarters in raqqa. the united states has also experienced attacks inspired by isil on social media, a phenomenon which we are working to combat together which will be a point of discussion today. as we commemorate and mourn for the victims of isis' hatred, let us honor them with unwavering ded situation to victory. the great commonality among we who have gathered today is a commitment to bringing down a global force of evil, and i emphasize the word commitment. the success of the mission is the effort to defeat this terrorist organization. in the run up to this meeting we have $2 billion in humanitarian, stabilization and demining needs for liberated areas in iraq and syria for 2017. i am pleased to announceded that we have surpassed that total in dollar pledges. let's fulfill our pledges so we can quickly disperse the funds we need to carry out operations for the rest of the year. re