and forth to kirkuk and tikrit. my problem was and i had this problem, which is i couldn't get fresh coffee and what i wanted was to figure out how i could get fresh coffee into kirkuk. i did a little bit of research and in my i guess my my economics that i was crunchinguy the time was like, well, if i buy a one pound roaster, i can go home and then i'll start roasting coffee to take back with me to kirkuk. or wherever is going. so i go home, i buy this roaster and i start roastingg coffee one pound at a time. a throughout that year i'd roastld like thirty or forty pounds and i'd take it t back out to iraq with me. i'd load up one kit bag, full my gear and like one one kit bag full and call you names fory doing this because that'son a little eccentric. nam i mean, i'm always super .es for yeah, it's a super>> eccentric and yes, it is like most of which i can't repeat. but yeah, they the guys there was a constant amount of ribbing until they drank the coffee and then it was like where is evan going? because bec i wan