since the decor of the church does not give its original meaning, it is revealed that the church of kirsides with the fall of the garadzan church from the jumping of only stained glass windows, gattych temples of today's era it was hell for the ramanskys. this is because architectural methods began to work on the hundreds of meters high spire. previously, raman architecture, yana abaronchaya, yana velmi earthly, did not understand such boasting. ale, not only architectural techniques, but also theory, for this very day, high for this very day, i have created the idea of the city of god. the city of god is the ideal light. could these people know him? life itself is heavy, heavy, sick, epidemics, and hellish river - this is the temple of god here on the earth, as we know, what chalaveks chaka in the skies. adsul are like gatychnye temples, which extinguish centuries of idleness and bliss. interior may drawn out papadougan eight-seventh-century campaign. asnovny ab'yom, yakі z'yaўlyaetstsa on the plane of the present day. covered with an aryginal shaped sklyapenny. at the tank scenes the